Long Term Objectives
Enhance opportunities for adolescent girls and boys to learn 21st Century Life and Employability Skills
Outcomes and Outputs
Output 2.1: Provide employable ICT skills to disable adolescent girls and boys |
Output 2.2: Upgrade GRACE School/Building Skardu to College of Science & Technology |
Output 2.3: Provide advance English language skills to adolescents’ girls and boys |
Output 2.4: 21st century life and works skills provided to the adults |
Output 2.5: Counselling services for English Programs Graduates for better jobs and higher education |
Outcome 3 – Economic empowerment of vulnerable women and adolescent girls and boys |
Output 3.1: Promote value chain production and marketing enterprises for women |
Output 3.2: Enhance professional and technical skills of adolescents/youth for better job market |
Output 3.3: Promote online business opportunities for youth/adolescents |